Geography is the study of the life of man, the way humans live, and the way of life that has been established by a human society to sustain life. The needs of man are universal, but the way these needs have been met, differ. So we have many different peoples around the world who live differently, who have adapted differently to what the world has offered them in different locations.
This helps the child to understand that all humans need to make a way of life that will support not only life but a good way to live. The geography work has two divisions: physical geography and cultural geography. The work in these two groups goes parallel to one an-other. We talked about Physical geography last month so we will spend time talking about Cultural geography this month. For Cultural geography, we will look at the divisions of the world that have been made by humans. It is important to keep a positive attitude for all cultures, so the child can pick up on the fact that there is value and dignity in each human culture and is to be respected. There will be some direct teaching with the Three Period Lessons and a lot of language work where information is passed on conversationally. Geography work as a whole is open ended. We must follow each child’s interest and supply him with the information he is seeking. Geography work is done to teach the child about the society in which he lives and others around the world. We want to convey the feeling of people around the world. This will help the child to realize that he is not only a member of his society, but a member of the world
Geography of man brings us to explore the life of humans, how we live our individual lives as a people, and the way of life for humans to sustain life as a society in various cultures around the world. Whether it is studying flags, societies, or daily routines of people, we will explore roles and impacts humans have in our communities both locally and globally.
Below are the children featured in the month of November/December for Geography: